Regalo 76-Inch Super Wide Metal Configurable Gate

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  • Fit openings up to 76" wide
  • Configurable panels adjust to fit angled doorway, hallway, bottom of stairs
  • Walk through design with one hand open and safety locking feature
  • American society for testing and materials certified

  • The 76" super wide configurable safety gate is perfect to fit a variety of openings in your home. This gate covers openings up to 76" wide and stands 30" tall. The configurable gate panels adjust to custom fit angled or uneven openings. When your hands are full the convenient one-hand walk through design makes your job a little easier. The latch style handle also comes equipped with a safety-locking feature. The fold and go design allow for easy storage. The all steel construction makes this gate sturdy and durable. For added security this gate is hardware mounted. This gate is PVC free and has been certified by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). It also meets the safety standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Great for pet's too.
    Brand: Regalo, Model: 1175 DS, Color: White

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