Reese Towpower 74682 7 Way Multi-Plug T-Connector Assembly U. S. Car Replacement Socket OEM

Reese Towpower
SKU: EZFB0016KH254
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  • 16 gauge wire and prewired 7 way end connector
  • Solid weather-proof one piece construction which requires no splicing or taping of wires
  • Easiest and fastest way to add an electrical connector to the back of your vehicle
  • Largest most complete line of plug in T-Connectors
  • Simple do it yourself installation and no special tools required

  • Reese Towpower offers the largest most complete line of plug in T-Connectors. T-Connectors are the easiest and fastest way to add an electrical connector to the back of your vehicle to handle the lighting requirements of a trailer. Reese Towpower T-Connectors feature solid weather-proof, one piece construction which requires no splicing or taping of wires. Simply locate your vehicle's wiring harness connector, unplug the connection and insert the T-Connector into the vehicle's harness. No special tools required and some units feature a direct connection to the vehicle's battery to protect the lighting system from being over-loaded. Check the application section for the T-Connector that best fits your vehicle. Reese Towpower has pioneered the technology that has set the standard for today's most advanced towing systems and that has made us the number one brand in our industry for decades.
    Brand: Reese Towpower, Model: 74682

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