Reese Towpower 7063300 5" Drop Class V Interlock Ball Mount

Reese Towpower
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  • Interlock wrench tightening system
  • Fits 2-1/2 inch by 2-1/2 inch box opening
  • 10 inches long with a 1-1/4 inch hitch ball hole
  • 5 inch drop and 3-1/2 inch rise
  • 1300 pound tongue weight / 13,000 pound gross trailer weight

  • Superior strength is built into every Reese Towpower Class V ball mount. Built tough for unparalleled strength, Reese heaviest duty ball mounts fight rust and corrosion with Metal Shield, a superior coating for years of protection from the elements. Reese Towpower Interlock design is a patented hex design which allows for a one-wrench tightening system when combined with a Reese Interlock hitch ball. It makes for installing the hitch ball more efficient, and prevents marring of the hitch ball.
    Brand: Reese Towpower, Model: 7063300

    Custom Tab 01

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