Redline Detection95-0011 Universal Filler Neck Connector

Redline Detection
In Stock


Brand Redline Detection
Model 95-0011

  • Quickly connects to any vehicle's EVAP system and works with all smoke machines
  • Create air-tight seals in seconds
  • Eliminates the need of searching for the EVAP service port
  • An essential tool for late model cars with fuel tank rollover valves
  • Includes 12 sealing disks

  • Redline Detection introduces the EasyEVAP universal filler neck connector and capless gas tank adapter. Using the EasyEVAP adapter with the Smoke Pro diagnostic leak detector gives technicians the ability to leak test automobiles with this new OEM fuel technology. EasyEVAP capless gas tank adapter opens the filler neck of capless EVAP or fuel systems and the EasyEVAP universal filler neck connector creates an air-tight seal with any filler neck in seconds. Compatible with any smoke machine, EasyEVAP fits 100 percent of vehicles to ensure EVAP testing is quick and easy. Quickly connects to any vehicle’s EVAP system and works with all smoke machinesCreate air-tight seals in secondsEliminates the need of searching for the EVAP service portAn essential tool for late model cars with fuel tank rollover valves Includes 12 sealing disks Redline Detection 95-0011 Universal Filler Neck Connector

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