Red Line RED80213 Diesel Water Wetter - 15 oz.

Red Line Oil
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  • Doubles the wetting ability of water. Improves heat transfer and reduces cylinder head temperatures
  • Cleans and lubricates water pump seals
  • May allow more spark advance for increased torque and prevents foaming
  • Designed for heavy duty diesel equipment and machinery engines where only the heat transfer benefits are required because it is added in addition to another manufacturer's rust inhibitor or antifreeze

  • Designed for heavy-duty diesel engines which use more than 33% antifreeze or a supplemental corrosion packageSimilar properties and benefits to regular WaterWetter but lacks rust and corrosion inhibitorsDiesel road cars and light trucks (equipped with Cummins Duramax and PowerStroke engines) should use regular WaterWetter to ensure proper rust and corrosion protectionTypical diesel commercial vehicle requires one bottle treats up to 15 gallonsReduces or eliminates bubbles or vapor barrier that form on hot metal surfaces to reduce coolant temperatures by up to 20 Superior heat transfer properties compared to glycol-based antifreezeCompatible with new or used antifreeze (including DEX-COOL and long-life versions) to improve the heat transfer of ethylene and propylene glycol systemsImproves heat transfer and reduces cylinder head temperatureDesigned for use with all modern aluminum cast iron copper brass and bronze cooling systemsCleans and lubricates water pump sealsReduces cavitation and complexes with hard water to reduce scalingDoes not lower cooling system below the thermostatically-controlled temperature
    Brand: Red Line Oil, Model: RED80213, Size: 15 Ounces

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