Race Ramps RR-TJ-S Trak - Jax with Stop

Race Ramps
Out Of Stock


  • Race Ramps are made from a patented process using space age foam and a polyurea coating and they have a rubbery textured surface for maximum grip
  • Each ramp can hold up to 1500 pounds, that's 3000 pounds per set
  • These ramps are lightweight but very strong and durable
  • The ramps have no sharp edges, they will not scratch or damage your floor
  • Ramps have a large solid bottom that won't sink or slide on a level surface including dirt, sand, grass or asphalt

  • Trak Jax car ramps were inspired by an auto-crosser that didn't want to buy a new, high-priced, low-profile jack just to change his tires at the track. These lightweight, durable car lift ramps get low cars up high enough to fit a standard floor jack under the car. At less than 5 pounds each and only 30.1” long, you can even fit them in the trunk of any sports car. Trak-Jax are available with or without a 1.5” stop.
    Brand: Race Ramps, Model: RR-TJ-S, Color: Black, Size: Large

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