Heated anodized work surface for encaustic painters
16-Inch-by-16-Inch pallete for mixing and melting encaustic paints
Made from a sheet of anodized aluminum alloy
Smaller 12-Inch-by-12-Inch size also available
Includes attachable brush holder. Some assembly required. Made in the USA
RandF Heated Encaustic Palette 16-Inch-by-16-Inch is the perfect heating tool for encaustic paints. Heat cups of encaustic paint or melt and mix color right on the heated surface. The 16-Inch-by-16-Inch palette includes an attachable brush holder to help keep your brushes warm while you paint. The palette is made with a sheet of 0.375 aluminum alloy that is anodized to prevent reactivity that could discolor pigments. 110V Heating element includes a built in temperature regulator. Adjustable legs make it easy to level the palette. Brand: R&F Handmade Paints, Model: 9816, Color: White
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