Quik Shade Expedition EX64 10'x10' Instant Canopy

Quik Shade Pets
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  • 10 ft. x 10 ft. fully assembled slanted leg instant canopy provides 64 sq. ft. of shade for 4-6 people
  • Sturdy, lightweight construction with a corrosion resistant powder-coated steel, one-piece frame for long-lasting durability
  • 8 ft. x 8 ft. canopy top made with 150D polyester fabric with Aluminex-backed top ensures 99% UV protection, water resistance, and cooler shade area
  • Push/pull latch sliders and pushpin leg extenders offer 3 height adjustments and allow for peak height of 8 ft. 10 in. and eave clearance of 6 ft. 4 in.
  • Convenient 300D polyester carry bag lets you store and transport anywhere; includes canopy frame, canopy top, and 4 steel stabilizing ground stakes

  • Get out of the sun without missing the fun! The Quik Shade Expedition EX64 10-Foot x 10-Foot Instant Canopy is a lightweight recreational shelter that assembles in less than a minute. The UV-resistant top is Aluminex-backed, providing 99% UV protection from the sun's harmful rays. It's the highest outdoor fabric UV protection available! The slanted leg design provides additional stability, with patented Quik Latch push/pull sliders and pushpin leg extenders designed for ease of use. The 8-foot x 8-foot canopy top provides a total of 64 square feet of shade for 4-6 people - enough for the whole family to comfortably take shelter! This canopy has an open cathedral ceiling for more headroom, with a peak height of 8 feet 10 inches and an eave clearance of 6 feet 4 inches. Take it anywhere in the durable, polyester carry bag to all of your outdoor activities - sporting events, backyard parties, the beach, and much more! Includes canopy frame, canopy top, carry bag, and 4 steel stabilizing ground stakes; 1-year limited warranty.
    Brand: Quik Shade Pets, Model: 157395, Color: NavyBlue

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