Quik-Latch Products QL-50-LP Brushed Aluminum Low Profile Quick Release Hood Pin Kit

Quik-Latch Products
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  • Sleek, low profile push button hood latches far exceed the appearance and functionality of traditional hood pins
  • Eliminates pins that can be lost, rust or corrode and loose lanyards that can scratch your vehicles paint
  • Aluminum latch button and body with stainless steel internal mechanism to resist corrosion
  • Kit includes two latches and all mounting hardware
  • Made in the USA

  • Tired of the traditional style of hood pins that rust, or lanyards that scratch the paint Have you lost your pins due to removing the lanyard trying to protect the finish Introducing the next generation in hood pin technology. The Quik-Latch hood pin system. A low profile look, and with just a push of the button, the hood is unlatched. The patent pending design features one finger activation. The button stays in down position until re-latched and the button pops back up. Installation is simple with basic tools. Kit includes two latches and all mounting hardware. Brushed Aluminum with Clear Cerakote Finish.
    Brand: Quik-Latch Products, Model: QL-50-LP, Color: Brushed

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