Even young children will delight in figuring out how to put the pieces together and attach the gears creatively and independently.Then become engrossed watching their creations spin!
Create your base, then insert axles and connect gears so that they rotate at the same time. Finally, turn the crank to start a spectacular chain reaction and watch the beautiful visual effects.
The 6 largest gears have stickers that make captivating designs as they spin.The square base pieces interlock easily to form flat or 3D structures.You can even make a gear box!
Kaleido Gears construction set provides hours of fun while introducing children to basic principles of mechanics. Quercetti toys have been proudly manufactured in Italy for 65 years.
Contents include: 6 large gears, 6 sstickers, 1 crank, 22 white axles, 6 small gears, 4 middle gears and 16 interlocking plates.Largest Gear is 4.5" in diameter. Recommended for children aged 3-7.
Kaleido Gears construction set provides hours of great fun while introducing children to some basic principles of mechanics. Try all possible combinations to make a base with the interlocking plates, and then insert axles and connect gears so that they rotate at the same time. Finally, turn the crank to start a spectacular chain reaction and watch the beautiful visual effects. Each gear is decorated with a different design that stimulates colour perception and creativity. Kaleido Gears is made of durable and washable plastic that is both safe and unbreakable. Brand: Quercetti, Model: 2341
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