Use the lightweight, aluminum tripod easel with 3/4" tubular steel legs for portable display needs from 38" to 66".
Slide the adjustable display holders to customize height.
Support up to 25 lbs. of display weight.
Secure a flipchart with the optional attachable pad retainer (product numbers 50T and 51T).
Sleek, silver finish aluminum easel fits seamlessly into a wide range of environments.
Present information at an optimal height to capture attention and maximize your message. The Quartet Aluminum Telescoping Display Easels flexibly adjust to support documents in a range of heights and weights. Solid construction of the locking cross-base reinforces the tripod design for added stability. The extendable cam-shaft and optional accessories create an easel with ultimate display performance. The telescoping feature makes this one of the most popular display easels. Brand: Quartet, Model: 50E, Color: Silver, Size: Lightweight
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