Pura Kiki 3 Piece/Pack Silicone Sealing Disk, Blue, Green, Orange, 0 Months (Plastic Free, NonToxic Certified, BPA Free)

Pura Kiki
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  • These handy sealing disks are great for no-spill storage milk storage, snack storage, or use them to converty any Kiki bottle to a water-tight bottle for older children
  • Includes one Orange, Green and Blue disk
  • Medical Grade Silicone
  • Silicone is a natural material; It does not contain any plastic, latex, or BPA
  • Dishwasher safe

  • Pura was conceived with a simple notion: To provide the safest and most adaptable juvenile feeding and adult hydration solutions. We are proud to combine ground-breaking innovations with an eco-progressive business model. In 2012 Pura has been recognized with 11 product and business awards and is now sold in more than 30 countries. Most importantly, we remain a family-owned business with a focus on innovation and unparalleled quality. It is crafted from safe, anti-bacterial, No. 304 stainless steel, the same material used in milk pasteurization for years. Pura bottles are the safest on the global market because are bottles are 100% plastic-free, 100% BPA-free, 100% phthalate-free, 100% lead free, 100% toxin-free. Kiki is the only 100% plastic-free juvenile feeding/drinking solution on the global market. Recent studies have shown that even BPA-free plastic has been linked to a myriad of health problems. Pura has received Special Recognition from the US House of Represenatives and California Assembly US and Int'l Patents Pending. Pura Kiki products are designed in the USA by a dedicated team of committed parents
    Brand: Pura Kiki, Model: SD-01-3, Color: Blue, Green, Orange, Size: 3 Piece

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