Psycho II / Psycho III / Psycho IV - The Beginning (Triple Feature)

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  • Release Date: 2008/05/06

  • PSYCHO II After years of treatment at a mental institution for the criminally insane, Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) still can't quite elude the demands of "Mother." Vera Miles also returns as the inquisitive woman who is haunted by her sister's brutal murder and the ominous motel where it all occurred. Meg Tilly and Dennis Franz co-star in this terrifying sequel to tone of the most suspenseful films of all time. PSYCHO III Anthony Perkins stars in and directs the most shocking Psycho film of all: Psycho III. After years in prison, Norman Bates returns home to the Bates Motel. When a pretty young woman (Diana Scarwid) runs to the motel - and Norman's open arms - to escape a scandalous secret, he finally gets a chance at a new life. But he has one murderous skeleton in his closet that will do anything not to share him. It's a new day at the Bates Motel, but the nightmares are just beginning… PSYCHO IV THE BEGINNING In this chilling prequel to the classic Hitchcock thriller, Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) is drawn to a late night radio show, where the host (C.C.H. Pounder) encourages him to share his views on the topic of matricide - the murder of a mother by her own child. Reliving his childhood, Norman recounts his trails as a young boy (Henry Thomas) living with his widowed schizophrenic mother (Olivia Hussey). These haunting memories are more than just images of the past; they threaten to rekindle his killing urge in this spine-chilling thriller.
    Brand: UNI DIST CORP. (MCA), Model: 025195009652

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