Proxxon 38536 Belt Sander BS/E

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  • 110-to-120-Volt AC; 60HZ; 1/8hp (100-Watt)
  • Length is 13-Inch; weight 1.9-Pound
  • Comes with 2 each 80 and 2 each 180 grit sanding belts
  • Replacement sanding belts are available in set of 5: 28581, 180 grit; 28582, 120 grit; 28583, 80 grit; silicone carbide belt for glass, brass, ceramics and steel, 28579, 180 grit

  • Ideal for use in limited space, this sturdily built 115V belt sander works on flat surfaces, corners, and radii. The sanding head tilts through 60 degrees, which eases access in many difficult spots. Head is cast aluminum for durability. Full wave electronics provide variable speed control. Belt speeds range from 300 fpm to 700 fpm. Platen is 3/8" wide and 4-5/8" long; overall sanding arm is 6-1/2" long. Vacuum dust attachment fits wands or hoses up to about 1-3/8". The motor draws approximately 100 watts. Belt replacement requires a push against the platen and bar, which loosens the present belt. Slip it off, slip the new one on the depressed bar and release. Track if needed and you're ready to go again.
    Brand: Proxxon, Model: 38536, Color: Green

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