Progress Lighting P84-AT 5-Inch Shallow Ic/Non-Ic Housing

Progress Lighting
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  • No Finish Color
  • Adjustable hanger bars with nail grip for up to 24-Inch spans with integral T-bar clamp
  • Size: 7-7/8-Inch Width, 10-3/4-Inch Height Extends 5-1/2-Inch
  • Shallow design for use in 2x6 construction typically found in 2-story homes

  • Progress Lighting P84-AT 5" Shallow IC/Non-IC housing. No Finish 5 In. New Construction Recessed Housing, Air Tight, IC This recessed housing has several great installation features plus an Air-Tight rating. Most brands charge up to three times more for this feature - but it is our standard. An Air-Tight housing is designed to prevent air from the interior of your home escaping into the attic. On average, an Air-Tight fixture will save $5 per year compared to a standard fixture. Considering that your home may have 10 or more recessed lights, that's $50/year! For use in new construction or accessible ceilings. Meets Washington State Energy Code requirements (when used with P8584-01 gasket). UL and CUL listed for damp locations and through wiring. Rated for use in direct contact with insulation (IC) - can be installed in ceilings from 1/2 in. to 2-1/2 in. thick Adjustable hanger bars with nail grip for up to 24 in. spans with integral T-bar clamp Shallow design for use in 2x6 construction typically found in 2-story homes. Rated for 8 #12 90-deg conductors (4 in and 4 out) Select recessed housing and trim for complete fixture. Medium base lamp socket 7-7/8 In. Width x 10-3/4 In. Height, 5-1/4 in. ceiling opening
    Brand: Progress Lighting, Model: P84-AT, Color: No, Size: 7-7/8-Inch Width x 10-3/4-Inch Height

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