ProCare Elevating Foam Cushion Arm Rest Support Pillow: Inclined Wedge, One Size Fits Most

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  • Provides comfortable, stable support with minimal restraint; Ideal for use on wrist, arm and shoulder surgeries, and mastectomy patients
  • Allows you to maintain the proper arm position and aids in reducing edema (swelling) for pre/post-cast or post-surgical procedures
  • Constructed of dense, fire retardant foam that prevents it from flattening, which effectively provides sustained elevation
  • Friction from the foam means the arm elevator won't slide off the bed, and your arm won't slide off the elevator; Measures 13.25" L x 12" H
  • Universal design allows the ProCare Arm Elevation Foam Support Pillow to be used on either the left or right arm; One size fits most

  • The ProCare Arm Elevation Foam Support Pillow is a sculptured foam support which allows you to maintain the proper arm position and aids in reducing edema (swelling) for pre/post-cast or post-surgical procedures. It provides comfortable, effective support with minimal restraint. It's excellent for use on wrist, arm and shoulder surgeries, and mastectomy patients. It's constructed of dense, fire retardant foam that prevents compacting. Elevating your arm on traditional pillows can be difficult because your arm can roll side-to-side. In addition, traditional pillows can become compacted and flatten out over time, making the elevation less effective. The ProCare Arm Elevation Foam Support Pillow measures 13.25" L x 12" H. One size fits most.
    Brand: ProCare, Model: PC151PA01, Color: Blue, Size: full size

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