Pro X Style Red/Cyan 3D Glasses for Movies and Games on Flat Screens

American Paper Optics.
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  • Works for all red/cyan anaglyph material including games, movies and print!
  • watch 3D movies or play games on ANY TV! (3D TV NOT required!)
  • light weight and comfortable!
  • Inexpensive 3D viewing!

  • You can't see the future, but you will surely feel part of it with theses brand new Gen X 3D Anaglyph glasses from American Paper Optics. Not only are they ultra sleek, these new Red/Cyan lenses are superior to anything else on the market and allow for optimum 3D viewing. The futuristic look along with the matted frame make the Gen X 3D a must have for 3D viewing.Anaglyphic glasses are used for viewing print, movies, DVD's, Blu-ray's, websites, games, and computer applications in 3D. As you would expect with American Paper Optics, these superior Red/Cyan lens combination will always make 3D viewing the finest and the deepest!
    Brand: American Paper Optics., Model: ProX

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