Pro Ice Cold Therapy Knee/Multipurpose Wraps

Pro Ice Cold Therapy
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  • Multi-Purpose Wrap
  • Constant at 27 degrees, until liquid, up to an hour when applied
  • Reusable ice wrap

  • Virtually no matter where you hurt, the Pro Ice Multi-Purpose Wrap provides a solution. It's especially effective for knee pain, back pain or injuries to the quad, hip, hamstring, calf, shin or elbow. The compression straps provide a custom fit no matter where it's applied. This reusable ice wrap will reduce swelling and has numerous applications in sports medicine, including elbow tendinitis, knee sprains or knee strains, tennis elbow and muscle pulls. It also works well when paired with physical therapy rehab. Pro Ice holds constant at 27 degrees, until liqid, up to an hour when applied. Whether the reusable ice wrap comes out of a freezer or one of our cooler bags, it is ready for after a game or practice. This guarantees both full therapeutic and aneshetic value, under the widest variety of real-life conditions. Additional inserts can lenghten the icing time and provide yet another benefit over gel ice pags. Pair with one of our cooler bags for the ultimate portable pain relief.
    Brand: Pro Ice Cold Therapy, Model: PI-400, Color: Blue, Size: Adult

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