Pro Ears - Ultra Sleek -Hearing Protection - NRR 26-Ear Muffs - Purple Zebra

Pro Ears
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  • PERFECTION-DRIVEN PROTECTION: Noise reduction rating (NRR) of 26 makes these ear muffs ideal for hearing protection in high noise environments.
  • COMFORT YOU CAN COUNT ON: Our visco-elastic, foam padded headbands offer the utmost comfort and adjustability while also forming better around glasses than ordinary foam used by the other guys. Put them on and you'll immediately feel the difference.
  • MONEY-SAVING MODULAR DESIGN: Along with the comfortable, snug fit, our ProForm Leather Ear Seals with memory foam are modularly crafted - which allows the option of easily replacing worn ear seals so you never have to buy another pair of muffs again.
  • SAFE, MULTI-PURPOSE USE: Along with offering ear protection for hunting and shooting, our ear muffs have a wide range of applications including everything from construction and yard work to sports events, concerts, fireworks, travel and so much more.
  • CRAFTSMANSHIP YOU CAN COUNT ON: Unlike others, we've spent the past decade focused on optimizing hearing protection. Pro Ears are reliably made in the USA, sold by a veteran-owned business and backed by an industry-leading 1-year warranty.

  • The Pro Ears Ultra Sleek advantage is the great comfort, noise attenuation and quality. The super comfortable Pro Form leather ear cushions with memory foam and the padded and adjustable headband make all day use a breeze. Ideal for long gun and indoor and outdoor range use. The Pro Ears Ultra Series hearing protections ear muffs' advantage is the superior comfort, quality and performance. This ear muff is ideal for long gun and shotgun use; the contoured ear cups allowing interference free shouldering of your firearm.
    Brand: Pro Ears, Model: PEUSPUZ, Color: Purple Zebra

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