Prince Lionheart Spring Loaded Drawer and Cabinet Latch, 10 Count

Prince Lionheart
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  • Spring-Loaded Drawer and Cabinet Latches are perfect for homes with growing families. Flip the latches up when you need them, and flip them down when you don't. Then flip them up again with Baby #2 or when the grandkids come to visit.
  • Easy to install and use. Safe, spring-loaded design releases when pressure is applied.
  • Included: 10 latches, hardware, specially-formulated 3M double sided tape.
  • Conforms to ASTM safety regulations, as confirmed by an accredited third-party testing facility.
  • Family owned since 1973 --committed to helping growing families as only a family can!

  • Prince Lionheart's Spring-Loaded Drawer and Cabinet Latches are a top pick for parents and grandparents when it comes to baby proofing homes with growing families. Why Because these specially-designed latches are easy-to-install and use on cabinets and cupboards, but when they are not needed, they can be easily disabled and then reactivated for Baby #2 or when the grandkids come to visit - all without removing or re-installing! Specially-formulated 3M adhesive included and some tools required for easy installation. All components conform to safety regulations and are easy to install and use so you can get your house ready for your family's newest addition. While we can't bubble wrap our babies, we can make the house a little bit safer. An adventure awaits. Enjoy the journey, but stay safe.
    Brand: Prince Lionheart, Model: 2115

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