Guaranteed to help keep your wipes the freshest they can be to soothe your baby's delicate skin
EPA approved anti microbial additive inhibits the growth of bacteria
Use with patented ever fresh system
Keeps wipes moist and fresh, non browning
The Prince Lionheart wipesWARMER pop! is the newest addition to the Prince Lionheart wipes warmer line up. True to form, the new wipes warmer POP is as reliable as our other patented warmers. It will NOT brown or dry out wipes - GUARANTEED. It heats evenly and consistently, while offering anti-microbial features. Included in the purchase is our Ever-Fresh System, a patented technology that keeps wipes moist, clean and fresh. The POP is colorful, sleek and fun. Available in a variety of colors. Brand: Prince Lionheart, Model: 9007, Color: Pink
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