Presa 58-Piece Screwdriver Set

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  • Complete set that includes 5 standard, 2 stubby, 10 precision, and 1 standard driver with 40 interchangeable bits
  • Ergonomic handles are comfortable and easy to apply more torque, also slip and chemical-resistant
  • Shafts and bits are made of heavy duty heat-treated Chrome Vanadium steel
  • Screwdriver ends or sides are clearly stamped with sizes for easy identification
  • Standard, stubby and precision screwdrivers feature sandblasted and magnetic tip

  • This Presa 58-Piece Screwdriver set is your complete everyday screwdriver set. The set includes 5 standard, 2 stubby, 10 precision, and 1 standard driver with 40 interchangeable bits. All screwdrivers included feature ergonomic handles for comfort and ease of applying more torque. Slip-resistant and chemical-resistant rubber handles are easy to use. The shaft as well as all bits are made of heavy duty heat-treated Chrome Vanadium alloy steel. Screwdriver ends or sides are stamped with sizes for quick identification. Standard, stubby and precision screwdriver tip are sandblasted and magnetic for a secure grip on fastener. The stubby screwdrivers feature short shafts and handles to make it easy to work in cramped areas. The precision screwdrivers feature a special contour handle to give you a finer and more steady grip. They also feature turning end caps allowing you to hold the precision screwdriver steady with one hand and turn the screwdriver with the other. The 40 interchangeable bits covers common and hard to find sizes to help you with a wide array of applications. The entire set comes in a custom fitted carry case. Sizes include: (3) Slotted: 6 x 38 mm, 5 x 100 mm, 6 x 125 mm, (4) Phillips: PH2 x 125 mm, PH2 x 100 mm, PH1 x 75 mm, PH2 x 38 mm, (6) Precision Torx: T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 x 50 mm, (2) Precision Slotted: 3.0, 2.5 x 50 mm, (2) Precision Phillips: PH1, PH0 x 50 mm, (40) Screwdriver Bits (25 mm): (7) Slotted: 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6 mm, (7) Phillips: PH0, PH1, PH1, PH2, PH2, PH3, PH3, (7) PoziDriv: PZ0, PZ1, PZ1, PZ2, PZ2, PZ3, PZ3, (7) Torx: T10, T15, T20, T25, T25, T27, T30, (5) Square: S0, S1, S2, S2, S3, and (7) Pcs Hex: H2.0, H2.5, H3, H4, H5, H5.5, H6.
    Brand: Presa, Model: 00202

    Custom Tab 01

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