Prepac BDC-2403 Sonoma Nightstand, Tall 3-Drawer, Black

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Brand Prepac
Model BDC-2403
Color Black
Size Tall 3-Drawer

  • Detailed with curved Top edges, an arched base panel and detailed brushed nickel Knobs
  • Drawers run smoothly on metal Glides with built-in safety stops; Sturdy, solid pine wood drawer sides
  • Finished in durable deep Black laminate; constructed from non-toxic, laminated composite woods with a Sturdy MDF backer
  • Assembled dimensions: 23"w x 29"h x 16"D
  • Drawer dimensions:  16.5"W x 5"H x 12.5"D

  • The Sonoma 3-Drawer nightstand is both modern and functional. This space-saving bedside table gives you three full-size drawers, all perfect for storing the odds and ends of your life out of sight. Use the sturdy profiled top to pile on your books, cell phone, alarm clock, lamp and whatever else you like: this nightstand can take it with style to spare. Coordinate it with other space-saving pieces from the Sonoma bedroom collection! ships ready to assemble, includes an instruction booklet for easy assembly and has a 5-year Manufacturer's limited warranty on parts. Manufactured in Canada and meets all North American safety standards.

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