Precious Moments Company Dated 2014 Couple Ornament

Precious Moments
Regular Price $78.74 Sale Price Unit price: $0.00

Quick Overview

Our first Christmas together 2014New introduction 2014So much love! So much to share! And together, their happiness overflows! Wearing Santa caps and cheek-to-cheek, their candy canes form a single heartSo much love! So much to share! And together, their happiness overflows! Wearing Santa caps and cheek-to-cheek, their candy canes form...
  • Our first Christmas together 2014
  • New introduction 2014
  • So much love! So much to share! And together, their happiness overflows! Wearing Santa caps and cheek-to-cheek, their candy canes form a single heart

  • So much love! So much to share! And together, their happiness overflows! Wearing Santa caps and cheek-to-cheek, their candy canes form a single heart - as their hearts beat as one!.
    Brand: Precious Moments, Model: 141004, Color: Multicolored, Size: 3.5" tall

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