Prang Ready-to-Use Liquid Tempera Paint, 16-Ounce Bottle, Blue (21605)

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Brand Prang
Model 21605
Color Blue
Size 16-Ounce Bottle

  • Brilliant opaque colors
  • Ergonomic bottles for easy dispensing
  • Non-setting formula is ready to use without shaking or mixing
  • Non-toxic paint safe for the youngest artist
  • 12 eye-catching colors

  • Great art starts with great products. Louis Prang developed child-safe art products that uphold the highest standards of quality in materials and color. These standards are maintained today in a comprehensive line of Prang art products for both children and professionals. Prang Ready to Use Liquid Tempera Paint is the teachers choice. This non-toxic paint is safe for even the youngest artist. There are a total of 12 eye-catching colors available â€" red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, white, brown, black, magenta, peach and turquoise blue. A translucent laydown lets paper show through for added brightness. Ergonomic plastic bottles in four sizes allow easy dispensing and a non-settling formula lets you avoid shaking or stirring. They are AP certified non-toxic and conform to ASTM standards. Be bold, color your world, and discover Prang power.

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