POWERTEC 71036 Square Corner Chisel

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  • Perfect squaring of corners on hinged mortises and door-lock recesses
  • High speed steel chisel 3/8" x 3/8" and a perfect 90-Degree;the compact chisel body, at 1"x1"x2", fits easily in your pocket
  • Auto aligns for optimum convenience and performance
  • Spring-loaded capacity means powerful and accurate cutting; sharp and ready to use right out of the box
  • Durable steel construction means it's built to last

  • The POWERTEC square corner chisel is the ideal solution for the quick, easy and accurate squaring up of corners in your woodworking projects. This innovative, streamlined accessory creates clean, crisp corners on your hinged mortises, wood flooring stock, picture frames, door lock Recesses, and any other applications where precision corners are desired. Featuring both an auto align capacity and spring-loaded cutter edge (3/8") to ensure flawless results upon implementation. Super-sharp and ready to use right out of the package means you can focus on your Master craftsmanship. Place the corner chisel in the Recess or corner and tap the hammer to yield a clean, square inside corner every time. The time and hassle you save with this device is exponential. You'll wonder how you ever got along without this indispensable device. No Fuss, no hassle, only meticulously executed corners on your Master craftsmanship.
    Brand: POWERTEC, Model: 71036

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