PowerMadd 45604Extended Length Brake Line for Polaris except Pro-X, RMK and Gen II

Out Of Stock


Brand PowerMadd
Model 45604

  • At least 4in. longer than stock (overall lengths given)
  • Stainless steel braided line with UV protected PVC coating
  • Teflon smooth bore liner reduces line expansion
  • Non banjo lines swivel for easy installation

  • PowerMadd Extended Length Brake Line for Polaris except Pro-X, RMK and Gen II features extended length high performance brake lines. They helps to replace your existing brake line and give you an additional 6 inches in length. They are better than stock. They are made of extra-tight braided stainless steel with a Teflon smooth bore liner. It reduces line expansion to almost zero. All lines have a protective UV-resistant PVC clear coat.

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