Power Stop K1906 Front and Rear Z23 Evolution Brake Kit with Drilled/Slotted Rotors and Ceramic Brake Pads

Power Stop
In Stock


Brand Power Stop
Model K1906
Color Silver Zinc Plated

  • Item may ship in more than one box and may arrive separately
  • Front/rear rotors and brake pads included
  • Ceramic pads reduce noise fade and dust
  • Components are engineered to work together
  • One Click brake kit is everything you need
  • Pre-matched components ready to install

  • Power Stop brake kits include a complete set of cross-drilled and slotted rotors and high performance evolution ceramic pads. It is made simple by matching the pads and rotors for a big brake feel without the big price. The Power Stop brake kit offers more pad bite than other leading brands without noise and dust. If you need a fast, easy and affordable solution for better braking, then you need the Power Stop brake kit.

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