Power Service 01016-09 Cetane Boost Diesel Fuel Supplement - 16 oz.

Power Service
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  • Prevents fuel gelling in temperatures as low as -40 degree Fahrenheit
  • Lowers Cold Filter Plugging Point as much as 36 degree Fahrenheit; keeps fuel-filters from plugging with wax
  • Contains Slick diesel lubricator for maximum fuel lubrication; protects pumps and injectors from accelerated wear and wax anti-settling dispersants; protects against fuel-filter plugging at temperatures below the fuel cloud point
  • Disperses water in diesel fuel
  • Effective in all diesel fuels, including ultra low sulfur diesel and biodiesel blends containing up to 20 percent biodiesel

  • Diesel Fuel Supplement Cetane Boost is an anti-gel/winterizer that is used in the cold winter months to keep fuel-filters from plugging with wax and to prevent fuel gelling. This Arctic formula effectively treats all diesel fuels to keep equipment running trouble-free for maximum winter operability. Diesel Fuel Supplement is intended for use only during cold winter months when temperatures drops below 30 degree Fahrenheit. Use Diesel Kleen Cetane Boost for peak performance in non-winter months. If your vehicle does not start or gain power in cold temperatures, use Diesel 9.1.1 as directed on the container label.
    Brand: Power Service, Model: 01016-09, Size: 16 Ounce

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