Power Block GF-SPDBLK24 Adjustable SpeedBlock Dumbbells (Pack of 2)

Power Block
In Stock


Brand Power Block
Model SportBlock 3-24 lbs per hand
Color Black
Size 24 lbs per hand

  • Item may ship in more than one box and may arrive separately
  • Pair of adjustable dumbbell weights for efficient, cost-effective strength training
  • Adjusts from 3 to 24 pounds in 3-pound increments (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24 pounds)
  • Selector pin lets you change weights easily, just like with weight stack at the gym
  • More compact and balanced than traditional dumbbells; padded handle for wrist protection
  • Offers maximum weight of 24 pounds per hand; limited 10-year warranty

  • The Sport 24 has weight range from 3-24 lbs per hand in 3 lb increments. Sport 24 replaces 8 pairs of dumbbells or 216 lbs of free weights in the space of just 1 pair. Increments: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 lbs per hand. Built to last with a 15 year home use warranty, the compact patented design is engineered for maximum balance and control. Realize your strength training goals while keeping your workout area neat and organized. Ships in 2 boxes.

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