PONY 50 Clamp Fixture for ¾ Inch Black Pipe

Adjustable Clamp Co
SKU: EZFB0000224C9
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  • The product is 3/4" Pony Bar Clamp
  • Easy to use
  • The product is manufactured in China
  • Mounts on any length 3/4" black pipe with both ends threaded (pipe not furnished)
  • Clamping capacity only limited by length of pipe used
  • Multiple-Disc-Clutch design which allows a secure hold at any point along the pipe
  • Clamping faces are approximately 1-3/4" square
  • Pony Tools Inc. makes all PONY Clamp Fixtures with U.S. and foreign parts in our Chicago factory

  • PONY 50 Clamp Fixture for ¾ Inch Black Pipe is America's most popular, most widely-used clamp fixture design. It is ideal for metalworking, woodworking and frame assembly - in applications that range from do-it-yourself to industrial production. Mounts on any length 3/4” black pipe with both ends threaded (pipe not furnished). A PONY Clamp Fixture is one of the handiest tools in any shop. One set of PONY Clamp Fixtures can be used to make any number of different length bar clamps simply by using the fixtures on different lengths of pipe. Heavy-duty black pipe is recommended. No tools are required for assembly. Simply screw the head assembly onto the pipe threads at one end. Slide the tail-stop onto the pipe at the other end. Then apply the coil-spring stop to the pipe threads at the tail-stop end of the pipe to prevent the tail-stop from sliding off the pipe during adjustment away from the work being clamped. PONY Clamp Fixtures are interchangeable from one pipe length to another, so one set can serve several needs. (NOTE: Make sure that pipe lengths are at least 7” longer than work to be clamped.) PONY Clamp Fixtures feature the original Multiple-Disc-Clutch design which allows a secure hold at any point along the pipe; no slipping, no pipe crushing...just instant adjustment either toward or away from the work being held. The extended clutch discs are accessible above and below the pipe for easy release. Castings are malleable and/or ductile iron; orange and black baked-enamel finish. Screw is 5/8” diameter steel with special, smoothly cut Acme threads; hardened steel thrust bearing in sliding head prevents wear at point of screw; crank-type handle. Multiple-Disc-Clutches are plated hardened steel; 4 pieces per set. Clamping faces are approximately 1-3/4” square. One coil-spring stop is included with each clamp fixture and prevents tail-stop from sliding off pipe. PONY Clamp Fixtures are designed for long life. The Chicago based Pony Tools Inc. which was established in 1903 is the manufacturer of all PONY Clamp Fixtures. The PONY 50 Clamp Fixtures are made with U.S. and foreign parts in our Chicago factory.
    Brand: Adjustable Clamp Co, Model: 50, Color: Multi, Size: Medium

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