Polder 1232-82 Tabletop Ironing Board with Pullout Iron Holder & Cotton Cover – Collapsible, Compact, Portable Ironing Board

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  • Save space with the collapsible and compact tabletop ironing board. Folds flat to 1.5" thick and stores easily in small places
  • Generous 32 x 12" ironing surface features wood top, foam pad, and cotton cover
  • Retractable iron rest for enhanced safety stores out of the way
  • Measures 32" x 12" x 6" when opened - no assembly required
  • For over 41 years, Polder believes in customer satisfaction and guarantees all of our products. If you are not satisfied, please contact our customer service for a replacement or refund.

  • The Polder Tabletop Ironing Board provides a flat, sturdy, and even ironing surface for quick touch-ups or everyday ironing tasks. With its space-saving, compact design, this ironing board stores away within easy reach and fits on most countertops and tables reducing the strain of bending over a low board. Providing a safe place to set down the hot iron, the integrated iron rest doesn't interfere with the generous 32 x 12-inch ironing surface and still leaves plenty of room for pressing shirts, pants, skirts, crafts…and more.
    Brand: Polder, Model: 1232-82, Color: Grey, Size: One Size Fits All

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