Plum Organics Stage 1, Organic Baby Food, Just Prunes, 3.5 ounce pouch (Pack of 12)

Plum Organics
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  • 12/3.5-Ounce Baby Food Pouches
  • Certified organic, Non-GMO ingredients
  • No added sugar, salt, juice, colors or flavors
  • Convenient, resealable & portable baby food pouch for on the go feeding
  • 100% BPA-free packaging & child safe, recyclable cap

  • All for yum, Plum for all. At Plum Organics, we have a passion for yummy food and so do our babies! We've created only the purest, culinary-inspired meals with unique flavors and colors for baby to explore. Let's celebrate the goodness and giggles of great tasting food with real organic fruits and veggies in delightful combinations. Because when bib time beckons, Plum Organics is for babies and babies are for yum! A Plum Perfect Baby Food Pouch! Easy feeding; Resealable top; Grab and go convenience. JUST fruits (4 months), a Stage 1 baby food line of 100% fruit blends that are perfect for introducing first foods to your budding eater with the purest flavors from real fruit. Using only organic fruit and nothing else, the gently cooked meals are naturally preserved in a convenient, resealable pouch that's perfect for flexible portions.
    Brand: Plum Organics, Model: Plu-9524, Size: 3.5 oz.

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