Plink balls clean and deodorize kitchen sink disposal
Includes 20 balls, in fresh orange, original and lavender scents; use once or twice per week
Helps break up built-up fat and food particles in disposal
Non-absorbent material
Made in the USA
Plink Garbage Disposal Cleaner and Deodorizer, Original Fresh Lemon Scent, Value 2-Pack for 20 Cleanings Read entire label before using. Run disposal with a full stream of water for one minute to clear it of any food scraps. Turn off disposal and reduce water to a slow stream (pencil width). PLINK YOUR SINK by dropping in one Plink ball and turning on disposal for 15 seconds. Turn off disposal and water. You just PLINKED YOUR SINK! Note: Revive scent by running disposal with bursts of hot water. Brand: Plink, Model: 9010AMZ, Color: Yellow
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