Vibrant colors and patterns encourage visual perception skill building
Textured teething rings to soothe sore gums
Different textures for encouraging tactile development
C-clip for easy attachment to prams, strollers and car seats
: Meet the cute and delightful Blossom Butterfly! With a range of colors and textures for visual and tactile development this baby toy is lots of fun for any baby! Blossom Butterfly has crinkle sounds in the wings, an added mirror feature for fun peek-a-boo play, plastic hanging rings for teething relief and a whistling sound when she bounces. Very easy to take along with you in the pram, stroller or car seat, Blossom Butterfly features an easy C-clip attachment to keep her secure whilst on the go! Brand: Playgro, Model: 181201107, Color: Butterfly, Size: 0-18 Months
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