Plasticover Floor Protection Film, Temporary Adhesive Plastic, Blue, 36" Wide by 200' Long

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Brand Plasticover
Model PCF360200
Color Blue
Size 36" Width

  • Ultra tough polyethylene protects from dirt, nicks and scratches.
  • Lasts 60 days - twice as long as other floor protection film.
  • Ultra-safe - non-skid surface grips shoes, does not slip or slide.
  • Multi-use product ideal for vinyl, ceramic tile, factory-finished hardwood, VCT, laminates, marble and granite countertops, mantles, glass, stainless and other smooth, hard finishes.

  • Plasticover Floor Protection film is an ultra-tough polyethylene film coated with a special adhesive to grip the surface and protect your floors or other smooth, hard surface from damage. Other protection film products on the market can be left down for only 30 or 45 days, but Plasticover offers a full 60 days of protection. Just roll it out, cut it off and you are done. When it is time to clean up, just peel up and recycle or dispose with no residue left behind.

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