Challenge your family and friends with the unique co-operative game-play.
Travel the board, answer questions correctly and complete the puzzle to help save our world.
The Planet Earth DVD Board Game, the more you play, the more you'll discover abou the amazing Planet Earth.
The interactive DVD Board Game featuring stunning vision from the epic television series.
Game include: DVD, board game, puzzles, dice, and tokens.
''How much do you really know about the natural world Do you have what it takes to help save the planet Find out as you test your knowledge with the Planet Earth DVD Board Game. Just like the gound-breaking television series you'll witness amazing sights, visit impossible locations and meet some of the wildest, most elusive creatures on earth, all while learning more about the amazing world in which we live in. Challenge your family and friends with the unique co-operative game-play. Travel the board, answer questions correctly and complete the puzzle to help save our world. The Planet Earth DVD Board Game, the more you play, the more you'll discover abou the amazing Planet Earth. The interactive DVD Board Game featuring stunning vision from the epic television series. Game include: DVD, board game, puzzles, dice, and tokens.'' Brand: Imagination Entertainment, Model: 4044
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