Plan Toys Baby Key Rattle

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Brand PlanToys
Model 0521700
Color multicolor

  • Keys are easy for baby to hold
  • Develops fine motor skills
  • Colorful and tactile
  • For ages 4 month and up
  • Made from sustainable rubber wood and coated with a non-toxic finish, all colors are made from vegetable dye

  • Bright and colorful keys rattle enhances baby's fine motor skills while they enjoy shaking them. Keys are easy for babies to hold. For more than 30 years, PlanToys has been consistently developing its products and activities with a strong commitment to contribute positively to the world. By implementing best practices and taking innovation of toy-making and design to the next level, PlanToys is not only known as being the first company to manufacture wooden toys from preservative-free rubber wood, we are a leading company that has created a new material and process as part of our zero waste goals. Continuing our commitment for a sustainable future, PlanToys has introduced PlanWood as another high quality, safe, and sustainable material in our toy-making process. This material will be used in harmony with our solid rubber wood. PlanWood is an eco-friendly material because the waste is minimized and fewer trees are reclaimed. The less energy, used to produce PlanWood ultimately reduces our environmental impact. PlanToys values have been rooted from embracing Mother Nature. The company has grown their green values into values of Sustainable Play. Sustainable Play is the foundation of how our toys cultivate creative minds and bring children closer to nature.

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