Pioneer Pet Stainless Steel Fountain Raindrop Design, 60oz

Pioneer Pet
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  • Circulating drinking water is naturally appealing to your pet.
  • Replaceable charcoal filter for clean and pure, healthy water
  • Dishwasher safe, high grade stainless steel construction allows for easy cleaning, 60 oz capacity
  • Move the spout to the center so that everything is aligned perfectly for smooth flow and lesser noise!
  • Our customer service department at or by calling 866-317-6278 in the US or 262-376-0768 outside of the US

  • Pioneer Pet Raindrop Stainless Steel Pet Drinking FountainPet fountains help your animals to drink more water because they are attracted to moving water. Now finally there is a stainless steel pet drinking fountain that looks like it belongs in your kitchen. Our stainless steel drinking fountain is extremely easy to take apart and clean. There has never been a pet fountain that looks or works as well as this one does. Circulating drinking water is naturally appealing to your pet and will attract your pet to the fountain. Ultra quiet pump circulates and oxygentates the water while the filter cleans and purifies the water. One filter is included with the fountain and each filter typcially lasts about 30 days (replacement filters are sold separately). The dishwasher safe, stainless steel construction allows for easy, hassle free cleaning. The 7.3 foot long cord easily disconnects for easy cord removal for cleaning. The large capacity reduces the number of times you need to refill each day making your life easier. Customers need to clean their pumps to keep it working . In the manual it states that the customer needs to clean the pump once a month to keep it working properly. 1 year warranty on the pumps to replace any defective items.
    Brand: Pioneer Pet, Model: 546031, Color: Stainless Steel, Size: 3.75 lb

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