Pilot Iroshizuku Bottled Fountain Pen Ink, Fuyu-Syogun, Rigor of Winter, Cool Gray (69215)

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Brand Pilot
Model 69215
Color Bluish Dark Gray
Size 5.000

  • Created using the highest standards and variations of color
  • Ink names derived from Japanese natural landscapes and plants
  • Enjoy the intense and subtle colors of Japan as you write
  • Works well with Pilot and Namiki fountain pens
  • Each 50 ml bottled ink is made from hand blown glass
  • Angled etched bottle bottom allows pen to use virtually every drop of ink

  • From a culture that has revered the art of writing for more than a thousand years comes instruments and accessories that celebrate both writing and art. Namiki Iroshizuku Fountain Pen Inks are created using the highest standards and variations of color. The name "iroshizuku" is a combination of the Japanese words "iro" meaning coloring, and "shizuku" meaning droplet. It expresses the variations of color embodied in the image of dripping water. Each ink name is derived from the expressions of beautiful Japanese natural landscapes and plants, which all contribute to the depth of each individual hue. Enjoy the rich and subtle colors of Japan with every stroke of your pen. For every creative endeavor, Namiki provides the ultimate writing tools.

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