Pilot FriXion Clicker Retractable Erasable Gel Pens Fine Point (.7) Blue Ink 2-pk; Make Mistakes Disappear, No Need For White Out. Smooth Lines to the End of Page, America's #1 Selling Pen Brand
WRITES LIKE A GEL PEN, ERASES LIKE A PENCIL: FriXion lets you write smoothly but leaves room for error. Unique Thermo-Sensitive gel ink formula disappears with erasing friction. These are compatible with FriXion Ball and FriXion Clicker pens.
PILOT FRIXION ERASABLE GEL PENS combine the convenience of a retractable pen with the incredible FriXion erasable gel ink. Erase and rewrite repeatedly without damaging documents - Eraser is at the top of the pen tip, retractable by pressing clip down.
YOUR EVERYDAY ERASABLE GEL PEN: Complete Sudoku and crossword puzzles without a mistake or a hole in the paper. Life's hectic, keep calendars neat, even when appointments change. Students can use FriXion to take notes, edit papers, and complete homework.
ORGANIZE AND DESIGN: With Pilot Pens you can do it all. We see your creative side; you should let it out! Bullet points don't only have to be plain black with our pens. You can dot to dot that paper with your favorite kinds of pens in your favorite colors.
YOU'VE KNOWN US FOR YEARS: Compare the luxury writing experience of our FriXion pens on paper with other brands like Bic, PaperMate, Feela, Uni-Ball, Shuttle Art, Fineliner, Caliart, Lineon, Vaola, Sharpie, Smart Color Art, and Artist's Choice.
Writes smooth erases clean! FriXion Clicker Erasable Gel Pen combines the convenience of a retractable pen with the incredible thermo-sensitive gel ink formula which disappears with erasing friction. No wear or tear to the writing surface! Note: Erasable pens are not recommended for use on legal or official documents. Do not expose to extreme temperatures (<14°f;>140°F). If pen is exposed to temperature that reaches 140°F the ink will be colorless when writing. To restore color cool to at least 14°F in freezer and the ink will again write in color.
Combines the convenience of a retractable with the incredible FriXion erasable gel ink
Erase and rewrite repeatedly without damaging documents! No wear or tear!
Eraser is at the top of the pen tip is retractable by pressing clip down
Unique Thermo-Sensitive Gel Ink formula disappears with erasing friXion
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