One (1) Flash light bracket with umbrella holder N
One (1) 33" soft umbrella
One (1) 33" Silver Reflective Umbrella
One (1) 33" Gold Reflective Umbrella
One 7ft Lightstand
This is the perfect kit for those who shoot with Speedlights. TheUmbrella Adapter will allow you to attach your shoe-mounted flash and the included three umbrellas one gold reflective one 33" silver reflective one 33" shoot through umbrella and a 7" stand Super Value The three umbrella provide multi purpose. The Silver reflective umbrella features a silver interior surface which provides a soft, but highly efficient bounced light source. For close-up lighting, the shoot through allowing you to get closer to the subject while lighting through the umbrella. The gold reflective provides warm soft, wrap around style lighting. Brand: fancierstudio, Model: UB1
Custom Tab 01
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