Photogenic 32" Eclipse Umbrella with Silver Interior & Black Cover. (EC32S)

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  • 32" Umbrella
  • Small Size
  • Silver Backed
  • Removeable Black Lining

  • Photogenic's famous Eclipse umbrellas are notable for their ability to eliminate the "ghost" image created by the exposed ribs of ordinary umbrellas. Eclipse models feature white or silver reflective fabric which covers the ribs, removing them from the primary light path. Additionally, each Eclipse comes with a removable black fabric cover which fastens atop the rib frame to confine any light that penetrates the white or silver lining.INSTALLATION: Installing the umbrella is easy. Insert the shaft through an available hole on any of our stand adapters and tighten with a thumb screw. Adjust the light pattern by loosening the thumb screw and moving the shaft in or out, positioning the reflector closer or farther away from the light head.OPTIONS: Do you use the Hi-Gain reflector PL7R with the PL-2 PowerLight Did you know you can even use this reflector with your Eclipse Simply punch out the PL7R reflector's break away tab and mount the reflector onto the PowerLight aligning the reflector hole from the break away tab is aligned with the hole in stand adapter. Slide the umbrella shaft through the hole in the reflector and into the stand adapter and secure.
    Brand: Photogenic, Model: PHOG909172

    Custom Tab 01

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