Permatex 27005 High Strength Threadlocker Red Gel Squeeze, 5 g

SKU: MIDB0013K237Y
In Stock


Brand Permatex
Model 27005
Color Red
Size Pack of 1

  • Provides liquid-reliability' without drips, globs, mess or waste
  • Well-suited for permanently locking studs and press fits
  • Accurate dispensing eliminates waste and clean-up
  • Replaces set screws and snap rings and also locks against vibration loosening
  • Suggested Applications: Cylinder block and rocker arm studs, ring gear bolts, frame bolts, shock absorber bolts; also ideal for vertical applications

  • Permatex High Strength Threadlocker Red Gel puts the threadlocker where you want it. The gel formula provides 'liquid-reliability' without drips, globs, mess or waste. This high strength threadlocker for heavy-duty applications is especially well-suited for permanently locking studs and press fits and adds 3,000 PSI holding power on slip and press fit assemblies. It replaces set screws and snap rings and also locks against vibration loosening. May require heat or special tools for removal. Applied as a liquid or gel, threadlockers are superior to conventional lock washers, nylon inserts, and other mechanical devices because they secure the entire fastener assembly against loosening from shock and vibration by filling the space between threaded metal parts, curing to form a tough, adhesive bond and seal. They also seal the threads against leakage, preventing rust and corrosion.

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