Pergamano Embossing Tool, Wheel No.2

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  • Embossing Tool Wheel No.2
  • The embossing tool wheel is suitable for embossing wavy lines; The wheel smoothly 'rides' over the parchment paper leaving a wavy dotted line
  • Paper craft product

  • The embossing tool wheel is suitable for embossing wavy lines. The wheel smoothly 'rides' over the parchment paper leaving a wavy dotted line. The embossing wheel can be used on any of your creations without the need of a pattern. It constantly embosses an even relief which may act as an outline or decorative line but also as a ribbon on a flower piece ocean waves or as a clouded sky. The best results with embossing wheel no. 2 are achieved on grease-free parchment paper.
    Brand: Pergamano, Model: 10091

    Custom Tab 01

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