Pentel Sign Pen Fiber-Tipped Pen, Pink Ink, Box of 12 (S520-P)

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  • The original fiber-tipped pen
  • Bold, robust ink color allow for unsurpassed sketching and coloring
  • Snap-fit cap prevents ink from drying out
  • Generous supply of vivid, water based ink making it ideal for artists, designers or anyone who enjoys writing or drawing
  • Black, red, blue and green ink colors are part of the Pentel Recycology line and are made of 80% recycled plastic

  • The Sign Pen is the original fiber-tipped pen! Perfect for writing notes and letters, the durable tip increases the strength of this pen. Bold, robust ink colors allow for unsurpassed sketching and coloring. The snap-fit cap protects the ink from drying out. With a generous supply of vivid, water-based ink, this pen is ideal for artists, designers or just about anyone who enjoys writing and drawing. Sign Pens in black, red, blue and green are part of the Pentel Recycology line and made from 80% recycled plastic.
    Brand: Pentel, Model: S520-P, Color: Pink, Size: 12 pack

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