Penn Plax Clip-On Bird Bath – Comes With Universal Clips to Attach to Most Birdcages, 5.5 x 5.75 x 3.75 Inches

Penn Plax
SKU: EZFB000B58628
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  • Bird bath attaches securely onto most wire bird cages.  Includes universal clips that firmly hold the bird bath onto the cage without damaging it.
  • The bath measures 5.5 x 5.75 x 3.75 inches and is designed for small to medium birds.  Perfectly sized to allow for easy in/out for your pet.
  • Durable plastic construction provides a safe outlet for your bird without leaks or spills.  These baths are built to last and are very easy to clean and maintain.
  • The safety of your pet is very important.  Rest assured knowing that the Penn Plax Bird Bath is non-toxic and safe for all birds.
  • Your bird will waste no time in going into this clip on bird cage bath to clean and play.  It encourages natural grooming behaviors!

  • The Penn Plax Clip-On Bird Bath fits most wired bird cages.  Every bath comes with universal clips that securely attach the bath to the cage.  The bath measures 5.5 x 5.75 x 3.75 inches and is designed for small to medium birds.  The size allows for easy in and out for your pet. The bird bath is made from plastic and is guaranteed to not leak or spill onto the floor or back into the cage.  The water will stay in the bird bath just as it is designed.  They are very easy to clean and maintain.  You can unclip the bath and wash it or wipe it down as needed.  The safety of your pet is very important.  Rest assured knowing that the Penn Plax Bird Bath is non-toxic and safe for all birds.  Watch as your bird wastes no time going into this bird cage bath to groom themselves and splash around!
    Brand: Penn Plax, Model: BA802, Size: 8 1/2" long, 5" tall, 5" wide.

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