Changing a baby girl is not all glitz and glory; changing a baby boy is an even bigger horror story...until now!
Simply place the soft cloth cone over his wee-wee during diaper changes to avert a sprinkling.
Five 100% cotton pee-pee teepees with cute illustrations come in a cellophane bag.
Fully machine washable and re-usable.
The ultimate diapering accessories for boys; the perfect addition to any baby shower gift!
What a completely brilliant idea and the perfect baby shower gift! First time mom's...prepare for the sprinkling wee-wee! These cone-shaped tents make diaper changes dry and easy! You'll receive 5 Pee-pee Teepees in a cellophane packaging. The Pee-pee Teepee Poem: Changing a baby girl is not all glitz and glory, Changing a baby boy is another horror story, You hold his feet with one hand, and the diaper with the other; The whole time praying, 'Please don't pee on your mother!' Brand: Beba Bean, Color: Firedog, Size: Small
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