Symmetrical arch insert to prevent fatigue and provide arch support
Fits into most shoes or boots that lack adequate support
Self adhesive; Lift and shape
Vegetable tanned leather and Moss Rubber
Made in Germany
Step: Symmetrical arch insert made with vegetable tanned leather, and firm, supportive, shock absorbing moss rubber. Step will fit into almost all shoes or boots. Step has a smooth, even curve that supports the arch. Step is useful for preventing fatigue when on your feet for long periods. It is also a good preventative health item, especially when shoes/boots lack good arch support. Step is most suitable for those with normal height, or low but not painful arches, who want a simple insert that fills the arch cavity. Balance, Pedag's other arch insert, is asymmetrical. Balance's asymmetrical shape slightly redistributes weight away from the weakened longitudinal arch toward the much stronger heel bone. Balance is more appropriate for people with low, fallen and/or painful arches. Tan Leather. Self adhesive. Brand: Pedag, Model: Art 166, Medium, Color: Tan Leather, Size: 1 PAIR
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