Pearhead Babyprints Newborn Collage Frame with Clean-Touch Ink Pad Included, White

SKU: EZFB00J2D5966
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  • Easily create and frame your baby's precious prints with our "Clean-Touch" Ink Pad ensuring baby's skin never touches the ink; 100% baby safe
  • No mess and easy to use: Achieves highly detailed prints
  • Includes "Clean-Touch" ink pad and 2 imprint cards; Ink pad is for two-time use maximum, accommodates hands/feet up to 3.5" long x 2.25" wide, and is for newborns only
  • Hand-finished, white wooden frame with easel and an acid-free beveled mat
  • Photo inserts hold two 4" x 3" photos. Frame measures 9.5"W x 11.25"H x 1"D
  • Just press baby's hand or foot onto the included "Clean-Touch" ink pad to reveal a detailed print. Your baby's skin never touches the ink, so it's completely mess-free.

  • Display your baby's adorable photos and prints in style with our Babyprints Collage Frame. This modern white, wooden multi-frame includes everything you need to create your personalized keepsake. Just press your baby's hand and foot separately onto the included Clean-Touch Ink Pad to reveal your baby's prints. Your baby's skin will never touch the ink. Now you will always be able to remember how little your baby's piggies were! Our ink pads are for newborns only and are a two-time use maximum. Ink pads will accommodate hands / feet up to 3.5” long x 2.25” wide. This keepsake makes an excellent baby shower gift or as a gift for new parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or other loved ones. Also makes a great baby registry item! Don't forget to use the hashtags #pearhead and #mylittlepearhead for a chance to be featured on Pearhead's social feeds! At Pearhead, we aim to create genuine, quality products to celebrate your special moments in life. We are a family of designers, marketers, and trendsetters bringing products to life that will bring a smile to your face. From concept and design to production and customer service, the Pearhead team works together seamlessly every step of the way. Whether your baby is celebrating their first year of life, you are announcing your pregnancy, or your pup is celebrating his first holiday season, Pearhead is here to share your moments in style. Product Dimensions: 11.25" L x 9.5" W x 1" D. Photo Openings: 4" x 3".
    Brand: Pearhead, Model: PH-13041, Color: White

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